تخطى إلى المحتوى

شعر باللغة الانجلزية

I think of you often

Do you think of me?
So sweet, so kind,
Do I even cross your mind?

I know your face in my mind,
I know your voice in my ears,
I think I know you,
Even through these years.

Are you my friend?
Are you my love?
That couldn’t be,
You don’t even see me.

I cry myself to sleep,
Every night my mind wanders,
If you’re not the first thing,
You’re the second thing on mind.

My eyes see you,
My heart aches,
For a love I assume,
Will someday bloom.

Who said friends could be lovers?
What were they thinking?
My love life, sinking or swimming?
It’s sinking.

I am scared
I am afraid
My life right now
Is one big show.

Episode after episode,
Re- run after re- run
Why do I love you?
Let me show you.

When you are around me
So is the thought of her
I wish deeply
You weren’t with she.

I have respect for a couple
What they share is beautiful
But what about the little people?
Whom you don’t even see?

When you are my friend
I am yours
Your company completes me
Whenever you take the time.

To tell you the words
The three "easy" ones
I have to say,
And hard in a way.

Will you be calm?
Will you hate me after?
Will you be my friend?
Or will everything end?

With love, there’s lust,
I lust for you,
I love you.
As for your thoughts on me?

thank you hanotif,really this is a very nice poem and we are waiting for more skills

تفضلـــــــــــــــوا :

7 ـ أن تكون المشاركة بالفصحى حتى يتسنى للجميع فهمها ..

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