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Common Vocabulary Mistakes المفردات والاخطاء

Today I brought to you the most common mistakes that we often made unconsciously
I hope you will benefit from them as I did

1. Altogether & All toghether

Say: We went to the cinema all together
Don’t say : we went to the cinema altogether

NOTE: Altogether , as one word means completely. All together is the opposite of separately


2. Alone & Lonely

Say: She feels lonely after her husband’s death
Don’t say:She feels Alone after her husband’s death ……

NOTE: Lonely means feeling unhappy and isolated, but Alone means by oneself [without others or help]


3. Why and cause

Say:This is why /the reason why I don’t like him
Don’t Say: this is the cause why I dont like him

NOTE: we don’t use why with cause


4.Older & Elder

Say: my Elder brother is an engineer
Don’t say: My older brother is an engineer

NOTE: elder and eldest are applied to members of the same family


5. Prize & Price

Say: The price of this car is 10000 Pounds
Don’t Say: The prize of this car is 10000 Pounds

NOTE: Prize is a reward , but price is the money you pay to buy something


6. Rob & steal

Say: He stole our money
Don’t Say: He Robbed our money

NOTE: Steal is followed by the thing stolen or taken, but rob is followed by the person or the place


7. Pieces and parts

Say: We have lots of pieces of furniture in our house
Don’t Say: We have lots of parts of furniture in our house

NOTE: Parts of furniture would mean that the furniture had been
broken but piece is a fragment


Thank you oum rayan for
such topic ,which we really need it

In fact it is veru useful dear

Thanks alot

You are weeeeeeeeeeeelcome dear Queen
I hope it will be of a great benefit to the members
Thanks alot dear OUM RAYAN
It’s a very important topic

لاكي كتبت بواسطة Touraya لاكي
Thanks alot dear OUM RAYAN
It’s a very important topic

You are welcome dear Touraya
I am glad to hear your opinion

nicely put

easily understood

thanx Oum Rayan لاكي


Thanks Muna and Al9anou3a for your nice comments
you are welcome

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