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°¨¨™¤¦ مسابقة اللغة الانجليزية – Step#1 ¦¤™¨¨°

  • بواسطة


Step# 1

:: من اليوم الأربعاء وحتى مساء السبت ::


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حياكم الله وبياكم وتبوأتم من الجنة منزلاً ،،

إليكم سؤال المرحلة الأولى من مسابقتنا ..


:: لديكم 10 كلمات عربية ،، المطلوب بعد ترجمتها للغة الانجليزية هو وضعها في 10 جمل مفيدة ،، أي أن التقييم سيكون على مدى صحة الجمل ::

الكلمات هي :

ملعب مباراة

بالتوفيق ،،
وبانتظار حلولكم هنا ..

أخوكم / ابن جده


هل يكن الرد في هذا الموضوع

وجزاكم الله خيرا

لاكي كتبت بواسطة روان 01
هل يكن الرد في هذا الموضوع

وجزاكم الله خيرا

نعم أرجو وضع الأجوبه هنا

وفقكم الله

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ،،

بارك الله فيك أخي ابن جده ،،

وبانتظار التنافس بين الأعضاء والعضوات ..

بالتوفيق لكم جميعاً ،،

ما شاء الله موضوع رائع وسيكون غنياً بالمعلومات المفيدة، بارك الله فيك أخي.. وبالتوفيق للجميع.
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته،

ما شاء الله.. جميل جدا.. بارك الله في جهودكم..

و لكن… أين الجميع؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

سأفتتح المسابقة بمشاركة وجدانية فقط لاكي

The victims of the air crash have been transferred to hospital as soon as possible

I am beginning to doubt whether she is actually innocent

Dear Brother

It is a Pleasure to participate in this interesting contest. I hope that it well help me to Improve my English Language too. Thanks to all of you and good luck for every body

Please find below my sentences at the same arrange of the mentioned arabic words

Every war had its victims

I am sure of that no doubt

I feel worry about her

I can explain you that point

He is in the prison now for his crimes

The baby smiles to me

Sorry to interrupt you but you had to see this

You look so attractive in this suit

I watched that match in the playground

He looked so embarrassed when he came to the stage

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


سأفتتح المسابقة بمشاركة وجدانية فقط

الله أكبر

يعني تريدونا نجمع أغرادنا و نهرب ؟

و الأخت رشا ما مضيعة وقت لاكي كل جملة أقوى من الثانية

ما ني عارفة أعمل نصف جملة مثل هذه

عارفة أني عندي أخطاء في تحويل الأفعال

طيب توكلت على الله

It were victims

I doubt about you

don’t worry , be always happyلاكي

can you explain more? لاكي

she smiles with me

we must interrupt him

please help him ,they are in the prison

i meet she in playground

if you buy this dress , you will be very attractive

she was very embarrassed when she talks with me

شكرا جزيلا لكم

Children are (victims) of family problems
If I have any (doubt), I won’t tell
Don’t (worry), she won’t be late
I’ll (explain) everything to the boss
He spent most of his life in (jail
I don’t like to be (disturbed) when I’m reading
She has a beautiful (smile)
She is so (attractive)
He was playing in the (playground) for about three hours
You look so (embarrassed), what happened
السلام عليكم ..
من أيام المرحلة المتوسطة و أنا أموووووووووووووووووت في مادة التعبير ..
ما عليه ، اتحملووووووني شوي ..

I really feel sorry to see the number of AIDS victims increasing day by day in this world , but I am really sure with a complete confidence and just can not doubt it , that is a real dilemma that gets people everywhere worried about .

Even though governments all around the world have tried so hard to warn their citizens and explain all the causes that leads to get infected with this virus , but yet , we can see that people are still ignoring whatever they see or listen which makes it harder to governments everywhere .

The sad fact is , that these people who are spreading the disease and who supposed to be in prison are actually offering their dirty services with a smile.

He or she just smiles to you and before you even know it , you are infected .
I know that most of you would interrupt me here to say that those who go there putting in their mind getting a cheap pleasure deserve it even if they get infected with a smile , I mean , you can not resist an attractive woman would you ?

Okay for those of you who think this way then , I would like to clear things out here and tell you that I was not talking about such people ..
But I was talking about those who offer you a blood at emergency cases knowing that they are infected but still they act as if they are offering you a help or a service and sure enough , it is a dirty service with a smile ..

Finally , I really suggest that youths should be aware of such acts by informing them everywhere they can be ..
I would suggest displaying such facts and information at every stadium before the football match begins or during breaks because I am sure that youths are so fond of football everywhere .

And never feel embarrassed to discuss it too with your younger siblings or even your own kids , do it before it becomes so late .

على فكرة ، مادري ليش الفواصل و نقط النهاية ماهي راضية تضبط معي اذا حاولت أستعرض الرد ..
تجي بالمقلوب ؟؟؟ يالله أهم شي الزبدة ..
ابن جدة .. تكفى اذا قدرت تضبطها لي لا تقصر ..
صراحة انا تعبت معها و لا عندي ذاك الوقت اني أحاول أكثر ..
و شكراااااااااااااااااااا .

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