Step 1: Read the title
Step 2: Read the introduction in full
Step 3: Read the first and last sentences in each paragraph. This gives you a good preliminary understanding of the main ideas
Step 4: If there is a summary, read it in full
Step 5: Close the book for at least ten minutes and do something else; making a phone call to a friend or watching TV are examples of what you can do in that break, but don’t take a long break or you might forget what you’ve just read
Step 6: When the break is finished, go back to the chapter and read it thoroughly
Step 7: After you finish reading, browse the paragraphs again, just like you did in the beginning, by reading the first and last sentences of each one
Try doing this and tell me if it helps you
Best wishes for fruitful reading
أولا بارك الله فيك على الموضوع، ثانيا نرحب بك بركن اللغات مفيدا ومستفيدا ونتمنى أن لا يكون آخر مواضيعك..
ثالثا، شخصيا لم أجرب هذه الطريقة في القراءة، لكن سأقوم بتجربتها إن شاء الله..
أخي الكريم هل جربتها شخصيا وهل يمكنك تحديد فوائدها اذا تفضلت؟
جزاك الله خيرا
It makes reading much easier, especially when used with complex topics
The initial browsing acts like warming up before playing a sports game
New ideas become somewhat familiar after the initial reading
The nice thing about this method is that it gives you a bird’s eye view of the topic before being immersed in its details
Finally, I’ve found that it makes new pieces of information much easier to memorize
I will try it as soon as possible
Thank you so much for sharing it with us and you are most welcome
I will try it and tell u
thank you so much .
actually that is what they learn us in English school here in liverpool
Thank you for this interesting topic
we hope to see you with other subjects
jazakoum allah khayer
i tried it and it works well it’s very useful method especially specialist
it saves time and itmakes readind more interesting
Yes, i did this way of reading many times
Especailly, when the topic is boring and i have to read it