تخطى إلى المحتوى

طالبة يد العون ضروري بالله عليكم 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عندي يوم الخميس المقبل امتحان للانجليزية للالتحاق بالدراسات العليا
وطالبة من سيادتكم لمن اراد المساعدة كتابة الموضوعات التالية وهي
1- The reasons for which you would like to pursue your postgraduate studies..
2- Your future plans.
بشرط الا يقل كل موضوع عن 200 كلمة وذلك في كل موضوع علي حدا
وذلك لكي اتدرب عليهم لربما اتي ما هو شبيه بهم كما سوف استفاد منهم في مفردات كثيرة
ولكم جزيل الشكر وجزاكم الله خيرا
اتمني ان تساعدوني

There are many reasons why graduates decide to continue with their studies. Here are just some reasons why further study could be the right choice for you. Whichever postgraduate qualification you choose, you will gain transferable skills that will benefit you in any future career. These might include, for example

verbal, visual and written presentation skills
time and resource management skills
improved use of research, enterprise and initiative
increased confidence in your own ability

Of course, if your postgraduate qualification is directly associated with your chosen career, you will also benefit from the subject-specific knowledge and/or research techniques that you will obtain during your studies. For many people, their undergraduate degree is just the first step in learning about a particular subject. A postgraduate degree allows you to specialise in the areas of your degree that most appealed to you. This may have been just a small part of one module at undergraduate level, but specialist postgraduate degrees allow you to focus in on what really interests you, often at the cutting edge of contemporary knowledge.

A postgraduate degree is the next step towards a career in academia. While a Masters degree will provide you with specialist knowledge and advanced grounding in your chosen field, a research degree such as a PhD will allow you to explore the field under your own terms, driven by your own questions under the guidiance of experienced researchers.

For some professions (for example Psychologist, Lawyer, Teacher), a professional postgraduate qualification is an absolute requirement without which you will be unable to practice in that particular field.

I hope this essay about postgraduate studies will give you some useful ideas. Good luck

اشكرك اختي الغالية علي استجابتك
جعلك الله عونا واثابك علي ذلك خيرا
thank you very much


وفقك الله اختي ….مشكوووورة الاخت ثريا .


الاخت تورية هل انت مغربية الجنسية فادا كنتي كذك فانا كنت انتظر الفرصة لكي اقول لكي بالدريجة : وهاكا يكونو بنات رجال المغربية

لاكي كتبت بواسطة هندةالمغربية لاكي
الاخت تورية هل انت مغربية الجنسية فادا كنتي كذك فانا كنت انتظر الفرصة لكي اقول لكي بالدريجة : وهاكا يكونو بنات رجال المغربية

بارك الله فيك الحبيبة
متنديروا غير الواجب وبصدر رحب
شكرا بزاف

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