أنواع من الأفعال
Before you begin the verb tense lessons, it is extremely important to understand that NOT all English verbs are the same. English verbs are divided into three groups: Normal Verbs, Non-Continuous Verbs, and Mixed Verbs.
افعال غير مستمرة
افعال مختلطة
المجموعة الأولى : أفعال عادية
Most verbs are "Normal Verbs." These verbs are usually physical actions which you can see somebody doing. These verbs can be used in all tenses.
معظم الأفعال هي " افعال عادية " هذه الأفعال عادة ماتكون الإجراءات الفعلية التي تستطيع ان ترى احدا يقوم بفعله وهذه الأفعال يمكن استخدامها في جميع الأفعال
Normal Verbs
to run, to walk, to eat, to fly, to go, to say, to touch, etc.
- I eat dinner every day.
انا اتناول وجبة العشاء كل يوم
I am eating dinner now.
المجموعة الثالثة ، تدعى " الأفعال المختلطة" وهي المجموعة الأصغر . هذه الأفعال لها أكثر من معنى واحد . في الطريق ، ومعنى كل فعل فريدة من نوعها. بعض المعاني تتصرف مثل " الافعال الغير مستمرة " بينما المعاني الاخرى تتصرف مثل " الافعال الطبيعية"
Mixed Verbs افعال متباينة
to appear, to feel, to have, to hear, to look, to see, to weigh…
List of Mixed Verbs with Examples and Definitions:
to appear: لتظهر
- Donna appears confused. Non-Continuous Verb
Donna seems confused. - My favorite singer is appearing at the jazz club tonight. Normal Verb
My favorite singer is giving a performance at the jazz club tonight.
to have: للتملك
- I have a dollar now. Non-Continuous Verb
I possess a dollar. - I am having fun now. Normal Verb
I am experiencing fun now.
to hear: لللإستماع
- She hears the music. Non-Continuous Verb
She hears the music with her ears. - She is hearing voices. Normal Verb
She hears something others cannot hear. She is hearing voices in her mind.
to look: لننظر
- Nancy looks tired. Non-Continuous Verb
She seems tired. - Farah is looking at the pictures. Normal Verb
She is looking with her eyes.
to miss: لتفويت
- John misses Sally. Non-Continuous Verb
He is sad because she is not there. - Debbie is missing her favorite TV program. Normal Verb
She is not there to see her favorite program.
to see: لنرى
- I see her. Non-Continuous Verb
I see her with my eyes. - I am seeing the doctor. Normal Verb
I am visiting or consulting with a doctor. (Also used with dentist and lawyer.) - I am seeing her. Normal Verb
I am having a relationship with her. - He is seeing ghosts at night. Normal Verb
He sees something others cannot see. For example ghosts, aura, a vision of the future, etc.
to smell: لرائحة
- The coffee smells good. Non-Continuous Verb
The coffee has a good smell. - I am smelling the flowers. Normal Verb
I am sniffing the flowers to see what their smell is like.
to taste: الذوق
- The coffee tastes good. Non-Continuous Verb
The coffee has a good taste. - I am tasting the cake. Normal Verb
I am trying the cake to see what it tastes like.
to think: التفكير
- He thinks the test is easy. Non-Continuous Verb
He considers the test to be easy. - She is thinking about the question. Normal Verb
She is pondering the question, going over it in her mind.
to weigh: على وزن
- The table weighs a lot. Non-Continuous Verb
The table is heavy. - She is weighing herself. Normal Verb
She is determining her weight.
Some Verbs Can Be Especially Confusing:
to be: ان يكون
- Joe is American. Non-Continuous Verb
Joe is an American citizen. - Joe is being very American. Normal Verb
Joe is behaving like a stereotypical American. - Joe is being very rude. Normal Verb
Joe is behaving very rudely. Usually he is not rude. - Joe is being very formal. Normal Verb
Joe is behaving very formally. Usually he is not formal.
NOTICE: Only rarely is "to be" used in a continuous form. This is most commonly done when a person is temporarily behaving badly or stereotypically. It can also be used when someone’s behavior is noticeably different.
to feel: ان يشعر
- The massage feels great. Non-Continuous Verb
The massage has a pleasing feeling. - I don’t feel well today. Sometimes used as Non-Continuous Verb
I am a little sick.
I am not feeling well today. Sometimes used as Normal Verb
I am a little sick.
اتمنى ان يكون الدرس نال إعجابكم
ملاحظة التمرينات لن تبدأ من هذه الدرس أمامنا تقريبا درسين او ثلاثة حتى نبدأ بالتمرينات
متابعة معكن
موفقة غاليتي و جزاك الله خيرا
في ميزان حسناتك ان شاء الله
واتمنى بعد لو ضفتي شعار الدورة عشان بغيت اعرف مين اللي متابع معانا
ولو في اي سؤال انا حاضرة
أنا حطبع الموضوع و حرجعوا بالبيت و شكرا
والله وياج ياقلبي
بس ياليت المشتركات يحطون الشعار في توقيعهم عشان اعرف مين اللي معانا ورح تحصلونه في الموضوع الرئيسي