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خاص بالمرحله الثانويه ومدارس اللغات language practice 2024.

Re-write the following sentences using the words in prackets to give the same meaning

{Let’s go to the house and have some rest. (home لاكي

نحذف كلمه to the house ونضع بدلا منها home

Let’s go home and have some rest


He stayed in the office for along time لاكي

نحذف كلمه in the office ونضع بدلا منها كلمه at work

He stayed at work for a long time.

He was imprisoned for robbery (prison .لاكي

نحذف كلمه was imprisoned ونضع بدلا منها كلمه went to prison

He went to prison for robbery

The film was shown by television at 10 o’clock (onلاكي

نحذف كلمه shown by ونضع بدلا منها on

The film was on telivision at 10 o’clock

He advised me to organize my work.( advice لاكي

نحذف كلمه advised ونضع gave me advice

He gave me advice to organize my work

Very nice sister Shrwet, May Allah bless you for your effort
Thanks a lot Shrwet For the useful topic
بارك الله فيكي ياغالية
بارك الله فيكي

بارك الله فيك

بارك الله فيك

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