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كل واحدة تحط نشيد للاطفال بس بالانجليزي للحضانه 2024.

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful


اهلا اخواتي الصراحه عجبتني الفكرةكتير وحبيت نتشارك في عمل موضوع حلوووو يفيد اولادنا الاطفال ونلاقي اي نشيد عشان اولادنا يتعلموه بسرعه نبتدي باسم الله


farmer Brown’s got one big dog
one big dog and tow little puppies
farmer Brown’s got three fat cats
farmer Brown’s got five wooly sheep
five wooly sheep and six lovely lambs

baby baby don’t cry
when your mami say good bye
i love suger
i love tea
i love you & you love me

علي لحن أغنية littel stars

i like playing basket ball

i like drawing on the wall

i like standing on my head

but i hate to go to bed



what are you going to be ]
what are you going to be
i’m going to be a soldier
that’s the life for me[/CENTER]
what are you going to be
what are you going to be
i’m going to be pop star
that’s the life for me
what are you going to be
what are you going to be
i’m going to be afootballer
that’s the life for me


one , two , red and blue
up , down , yellow and drown
have you seen orange and green
look at the kite black and white

و ده واحد تاني
point to the window , point to the door
up to the cieling , down to the flour
kiss me mum , kiss me dad
i will say my a,b,c
happy happy we shall see

you put your right foot in
you put your left foot out
you put your right foot in
and you shake it all about
you do the hokey cokey
and you turn around

that’s what it’s all about
oh the hokey cokey
oh the hokey cokey
oh the hokey cokey
knees bend,arms stretch,ra,ra,ra
left foot right hand left hand


in the mirror i can see a
a little girl who looks at me
when i smil
she smils too
when i sneeze
she say atshoooooooo

Nice songs dear randa
Thanks a lot

I’m driving in a car
I’m driving in a car
I’m driving in a car
I’m driving in a car

Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas

I’m sailing on a ship
I’m sailing on a ship
I’m sailing on a ship
I’m sailing on a ship

I’m sailing on a ship
I’m driving in a car and
Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas
I’m travelling on a train
I’m travelling on a train
I’m travelling on a train
I’m travelling on a train

I’m travelling on a train .
I’m sailing on a ship
I’m driving in a car and
Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas

I’m riding on a horse
I’m riding on a horse
I’m riding on a horse
I’m riding on a horse
I’m riding on a horse.
I’m travelling on a train .
I’m sailing on a ship
I’m driving in a car and

Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas
Thanks alot my dear Randa

So nice, dear
Thank you

thanks a lot my dear sisters for the lovely songs

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