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كيف تتغلب على الإحباط ؟! 2024.

لاكيكيف تتغلب على الإحباط ؟!لاكي

الأستاذ :- إسماعيل رفندى

إن الإحباط والفشل ممزجة في طينة الإنسان .. كما أن النجاح والتفوق من مقوماته .. لذا قارئي العزيز إذا أصابك التوتر ووصل بك إلى حد الإحباط في مهمة ما وشعرت بالعجز والاستسلام ، والرغبة في العزلة والتقوقع في همومك فمعنى ذلك أنك وقعت في شباك الإحباط

وعلينا عدم الاستسلام لهذا العدو المعيق للنجاح والتقدم ، والذي يعد من أخطر العوامل التي تصيب الإنسان في مجالات مختلفة في الحياة باستمرار .لاكي

لان للإحباط سلبيات قاتلة تظهر في كل ميدان يتعلق به من أعماق الروح والى مظاهر السلوك … حتى يجعل من الشخص السوي والشاب القوي في سجن الهموم والأحزان يجعله عاجزا عن الإنجاز .. فالإحباط حالة نفسية وشعورية تهجم علي الذات حين يتعرض لضغوط في أي مجال من مجالات الحياة لا يستطيع المقاومة والمواجهة .. ولها مراحل أربع:-

ü التوتر فلا يعرف ماذا يفعل ..

ü التخطيط أي عدم السيطرة على الموقف ..

ü الاستسلام والشعور بالعجز ..

ü الإحباط والقعودعن كل المحاولات ..

وللتغلب على حالة الإحباط وعدم اليأس أمام مؤثرا ته يجب اتباع الوصايا التالية

1- اللجوء إلى مكان مريح وهادئ ..

2- خذ جلسة من جلسات الاسترخاء مع اتباع عملية التنفيس بأخذ شهيق عميق وزفير بطيء..

3- اتصل بصديق صادق لتفريغ الأسباب الرئيسية للإحباط ..

4- حسن الظن بالله والدعاء مع محاولة البكاء لأنه يريح الضمير ويسلى القلب ..لاكي

5- التسلية فى الأماكن المفتوحة والهواء الطلق والمناظر الجذابة‏ ويفضل مع صديق صالح..

6- تدريب الذات على الصبر والتحمل و استيعاب المشاكل ..

7- تخفيف الضغوط بالتأمل الواعي في أسبابها الرئيسية..والثقة بأن اكثر المشاكل لا تقع في دائرة المستحيل ..لاكي

8- الاشتغال بالهوايات المرغوبة لأنها تجعل الشخص اكثر اطمئنانا مثل -القراءة المفيدة والهادفة أو العمل في حديقة خضراء أو الاندماج في بعض البرامج الكومبيوترية .. أو محاولة العمل في مجالات أخرى أكثر تمكناً وإبداعا..

9- التفكير في مشاكل الآخرين .. ‏لتقوية الهمة وعظم المسؤولية .. ولا يجوز بأي حال من الأحوال أن يتنازل أمام شبح الإحباط ..لاكي

10- التفكير في تجارب الآخرين الصامدة .. وكيف قاوموا الظروف الصعبة والحالات الحرجة ‏.

11- الحفاظ على التوازن الذاتي:–

من ساعات النوم ..

نوعية الغذاء ..

برامج الترفيه ..

الاختلاط الواجب ..

12-تجديد الهمة والتحدث الجريء مع الذاتيجب أن اصنع النجاح من الفشل .. وان اجعل الفشل تجربة وتمهيدا لمسيرة النجاح لاكي

نقلاً عن موقع الداعية محمود القلعاوى

جزاك الله خير وجعله في موازين حسناتك
بارك الله فيكم..
جزاك الله خيرا
I’m going to bump the thread PRETTY WOMANPART 7INT. STUCKEY’S OFFICE – LATE AFTERNOON – INTERCUTEdward is in a private office.EDWARDNever answer the phone. Ever.VIVIANTsk, believe me, this will be thelast time.EDWARDDid you buy some clothes?VIVIANI got a dress, yeah.EDWARDJust one? Christ… I hope it’sappropriate.VIVIANIt’s very tasteful. I thinkyou’ll especially like the zipperin the crotch.(silence)I’m — joking.EDWARDLet’s hope so. You’ll get somemore clothes tomorrow. I’ll bepushed for time so meet me in thehotel lobby at seven forty-fivesharp. Got it?VIVIANNo, I don’t "got it". Even thefarmboys back in Georgia come tothe door when they’re taking youon a date.EDWARDThis isn’t a date.VIVIANGo by yourself then. Where youtaking me anyway?EDWARDThe Rex.VIVIANAny good?EDWARDI think you’ll approve.VIVIAN… all right. I’ll meet you inthe lobby. But only cause you’repaying me to.EDWARDThank you very much.Vivian slowly sets the phone down. The phone rings again.Vivian, very carefully, punches the flashing button and picksit up.VIVIANHello?EDWARDI thought I told you not to answerthe phone.VIVIANOooh!Edward hangs up. He smiles to himself.Vivian bites her fingernails, looking nervous. The doorbellRINGS. Vivian looks up, startled. She rises, moves to answerit.It’s the Spanish MAID. She nods politely at Vivian.MAIDHousekeeping. I come to turndown the bed. 5:00, I turn downthe bed.VIVIANWhat?The Maid points to her hotel badge, trying to explain.MAIDHousekeeping. I come to turndown the bed.VIVIANOkay.The Maid enters.VIVIANIs there a trick to it?INT. PENTHOUSE BEDROOM – LATE AFTERNOONThe Maid turns down the bedspread.VIVIANIs that all? You just fold backthe bedspread?MAIDI also place las chocolates onthe pillow.VIVIANOooh, I love those.MAIDI leave extras, miss.VIVIANThanks! Consuelo, are all richpeople so lazy they can’t do thison their own?Consuelo shrugs.INT. HOTEL LOBBY – LATE AFTERNOONMr. Thomas is still behind the desk, working when a soft voicestartles him.VIVIANBarney.He looks up. He sighs. Vivian still hasn’t changed.MR. THOMASWhat is it, Miss Vivian?VIVIANEdward is taking me to some fancyplace for dinner. The Rex. Everbeen there?MR. THOMASIt’s a bit beyond my… range,shall we say.VIVIANYeah, mine too. Is it like,y’know, normal?MR. THOMASI think you’ll find it normalenough.VIVIANWill I like it?MR. THOMASYou’ll like it fine.VIVIANOkay. Thanks, Barney. You’rethe best.She turns away.MR. THOMASJust mind which fork you use.Vivian turns abruptly back, a horrified look on her face.VIVIANFork?INT. HOTEL DINING ROOM – LATE AFTERNOONCLOSE ANGLE – PLACESETTINGAn elegant formal placesetting complete with a myriad ofdifferent size forks, spoons, stacked china plates and crystalglassware.ANGLE ON MR. THOMAS AND VIVIANsit across from one another at a fully set table.MR. THOMASIn fifteen minutes I can teachyou everything you need to knowto dine with the Queen. First,as you pick up the knife you shiftyour fork to the left hand.VIVIANBut I always eat like this.MR. THOMASEither you’re European or badlybrought up.VIVIANHmmm… I vonder vich.(giggles)MR. THOMASActually, some of the richestpeople I know have the worstmanners. Of course, Mr. Harris,being of old money, knows his wayaround a table. All right now,pay attention please. Salad fork.VIVIANWhat if they serve soup?MR. THOMASThey will serve salad.VIVIANBut what if they serve soup?MR. THOMASThen you use your soup spoon.VIVIAN(smiles)I like steak.MR. THOMAS(picking up theappropriate utensil)Then you would use your–VIVIANSteak spoon!(laughs)Mr. Thomas swallows his exasperation.WE PULL BACK from their table to reveal the cavernous, emptybanquets room, each table is set and ready for the dinnerservice.MR. THOMASMiss Vivian –VIVIANMaybe I’ll just order a burger,Barney, that way I can eat withmy hands.MR. THOMASMiss Vivian… there’s a salonhere in the hotel. Instead ofworrying unnecessarily about tablemanners, why don’t you just haveyour hair done instead?VIVIANProfessionally?INT. SALON – LATE AFTERNOONVivian sits in a salon chair. The last customer, THANE, ayoung man of about twenty with his long hair pulled back in apony tail, tilts her head one way and then another, eyeing herprofessionally.VIVIANI have a friend who has a friendwho does Cher’s wigs.THANEI hate him already.(a beat)All set?VIVIANYeah… what a ya say we chopit all off and bleach the tips.THANEDarling? Trust me.INT. HOTEL LOBBY – EVENINGEdward enters and looks around the lobby. No Vivian. Annoyed.Edward crosses to a house phone and picks it up. He’s aboutto dial when:MR. THOMASGood evening, Mr. Harris.Edward looks at him blankly.MR. THOMASBarnard Thomas, manager of thehotel.EDWARDOf course, yes. If you’ll excuseme just a moment –MR. THOMASI have a message for you from your"niece", sir.EDWARDMy what?MR. THOMASThe young lady staying in your room?Edward’s eyes narrow. He hangs up the phone.EDWARDI think we both know she’s notmy niece.Mr. Thomas looks uncomfortable.EDWARD (cont’d)Does this hotel have any problemwith that?MR. THOMASMr. Harris, a guest of yours, isa guest of ours and shall betreated accordingly. The younglady asked me to tell you thatshe is waiting for you in thelounge.EDWARDThank you.He starts towards the lounge.MR. THOMASVery intriguing young woman, MissVivian.His tone stops Edward in his tracks.MR. THOMAS (cont’d)Have a good evening, sir.And off he goes, leaving Edward to wonder what the helltranspired during the afternoon.INT. HOTEL LOUNGE – NIGHTEdward enters the lounge. He looks around, not seeing Vivian.And suddenly his eyes go back to… the beautiful girl with thebeautifully styled hair in the beautiful black cocktail dressat the piano bar. Edward tries to hide his surprise as Vivianrises, moves elegantly towards him. She smiles.VIVIANYou’re late.Such a beautiful woman deserves an apology and so, withoutthinking:EDWARDI’m sorry.VIVIANYou’re forgiven.She waits expectantly. He holds out an arm. She takes it. ??Most of us take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future, when we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. wow gold, The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our listless attitude towards life.??The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight url=http://www.wowgoldvip.fr]wow gold[/url]. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult WOW Power leveling life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sound hazily, without concentration, and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we conscious of health until we are ill.??I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some wow gold time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. WOW Power leveling Now and then I have tested my seeing friends
thank u
we `ll try to do this when we feel so bad
see u
الحياة مليئة باالاحباط وبنسبة ليا الجوء لرب العالمين اريح من كل شيء
جزاك الله خيرا

تقديري لك….,,

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