السلام عليكم يا حبيبات …. ميعادنا اليوم مع الموقف التانى وطبعا باين من الصورة عن إيه ألا وهو تعدد الزوجات فى الإسلام أو Polygamy in Islam
ودى طبعا حاجة بتشغل بال الكثيرين وأغلبهم النساء … وإحساسهم بالظلم والقهر الذى تتعرض له المرأة المسلمة وده أكيد ناتج عن سوء إستغلا البعض للرخصة الربانية
مهــا سيدة فى أوائل الأربعينيات من عمرها .. ملتزمة محجبة وليست منتقبة … ولكنها على يقين بأن الإختلاط بالأجانب هووسيلتنا الرئيسية لنشر ديننا وتصحيح المفاهيم الخاطئة عنه .. تعرفت على والدة صديق إبنها اليابانية لأكثر من عام وكانوا دائما يتحدثون فى أمور عامة ولا علاقة لها بالدين … وكانت مها فى إنتظار الأسئلة قريبا ولكنها لم تشأ أن تبدأ هى الحوار
فى يوم كان الأولاد يلعبون معا فى بيت مها وإذا بصديقتها اليابانية تسألها سؤال مباغت ومفاجئ فهى لم تتوقع أن أول أسئلتها يكون عن …… تعدد الزواج فى الإسلام
Maki: Maha, Is it really true that Islam permits polygamy? and Is the man allowed to marry 4!!! Isn‘t this too much
Is this only for rich men or for everyone …. and where is love in this matter and keeping the family together
What he will do with 4 wives for God sake!!! and why you are not allowed to take 4 husbands as well
This is so unfair for women I cannot get it!!! You should be free to get another husband
How can a woman accept to be a second or third or fourth wife!!! if I was not good enough to be his one and only wife I will not be a second
wife as it is cruel to the woman he married and it is not good for me to feel like I am second best as if I was not good enough to marry him
from the first place
How a woman let her husband touches her after knowing that he is sleeping with another three
This means if I get old then my husband is allowed to find another younger woman to marry and dumb me…. Is it that easy??? after all these years we spent together
Do you accept that your husband get another wife
I’ve also heard that the man has the right to put all his wives under the same roof!!!Living with other 3 women in the same house sounds ridiculous !!Isn’t it enough the he got other women but forcing me to be with them day and night…. Is this true
منتظـــرين مساعدتكــم لمهــا للخروج من هذا المأزق بلباقة
…..the good news is i can exeplain
first of first
;islam did not invented this situation, it was there for ever and islam rule it and but a conditions
before islam the men can marry as many as they want no limit and at the end he don’t have to be fair he is the man as the- king- and- can -do- what -ever- he -want -crab
in islam no he can’t there are rules ..he only can take 4 wife and he have to be fair between them in everything otherwise if he can’t do that one wife is more than enough….some men still can;t understan.. they marry more than one and unfair with them or with the first one in this case he going to bears the consequences infront of god….
then why? because when god created this universe and made it as the women more than the men the solution for this is the multi wife system otherwise it’s going to be wrong thousand of women without husband doing what ?searching for a way to have one with marriage or with out
and thousand of husband with amestris and no obligates come and go as they want don’t have to spend money and don’t mind to have tow or three of them why ? becouse what els they can do with all these women try so hard to only have them
so why we don’t forse this man to be a real man and accepts his responsibility and keed the other woman as a wife and do the same as the first one cleaning and cooking and have kids not as one for the hard job and the other for fun
and guise what will happen when the men being with all these wifes?!! how money single women out there? not alot but a few!! it’s not my point
the point is in this particular case ,what if one of these wife feel unfair and unsecured and want the divorce and keep in your mind in islam the kids is the father responsibility…what do you think this man ganna do ? with a few women out there and a lot of men with no third or fourth wife or with no wife at all… i think you got it the women wen and can take the power over their freedom….they ganna be in control
now back to me am I ganna like it? i really don’t know it depend !!! but its not me islam does not come to fit one woman or one man its come for evrey body …back to me again i don’t like to but the seat belt but the low is out there whether i like it or not and i have to accept that
am i gonna say ok or not ok cry or scream it’s still good for millions and work for kazilion years
go back with the time you gonna finde a lot of prophets with their people have more than one wife its there you can’t say it’s islam issue….islam as it is god real system fix it and make it bearable
ما بعرف اذا فيه اخطاء بس هاد اللي رح احكيه ولسه الصحيح فيه شغلات تانيه بس انا صاحيه من الوجع واتسليت عالموضوع والدنيا عتمه يالله شايفه الكيبوردف سوري عالاخطاء
الف سلامه عليكي يا مايا ان شاء الله تولدي علي خير وترتاحي
انابيلا واحنا كمان معاكي في انتظار الاجوبه لانه في بعض الاحيان اجوبه بعقلنا بس مش قادرين ان نعبر عليها باجوبه بسيطه
وجميل جدا وكتب الله لكم الأجر
بالنسبة لي يمكن ولا مرة نحطيت بهذا الموقف
بس لو أحد سألني
راح أقولهم أن الله اذا أمر وسمح بشيء لا أناقش
فمن أناقش .. خالق العباد والدنييا كلها
وما علينا إلا السمع والطاعة
سمعنا وأطعنا
وهو أمر مباح للي محتاج
وليس للكل
والله المستعان
معلش لغتي على قدي
بس اصريت اكتب رد لجمال هذا الموضوع
حفظكم الباري
انا بعرف بنات اتزوجوا ازواجهم لولا حكي الناس والا عادي ماعليها منه والوضع متل ماهو تقريبا وصدقوا محبتها زادت بس الخلق ما بترحم وبعرف بنات طلبوا الطلاق وعسرها ربي وبيتمنوا يرجعوا ثالثه مو بس ثانيه
مروا لسه عالديو ديت لنص جانيواري بس انا زودتها وانا اتشكون وزهقتكم يعني لو توحمت متل هالنسوان بلاقي المنتدى فاضي كلكم بتهربوا وبتحسوا حامل بفيل اربع سنين
بالتوفيق للأخوات ..
متابعة معكم إن شاء الله
واول ما بدأتى بدأتى بالموضوع الصعبببببببببببببببببب
متابعة اجوبة البنات
جزاك الله كل خير
والله يعينكن على الغربة