* I need my friend and my friend needs me.
* Friends are often unpredictable.
* To me fair friend , you can never be old.
* I know what things are good
Friend ship, work and conversation.
* Where ever you may be, it is your friend who make your world.
* When a friend is in trouble , don’t do not ask if there is any thing you can do.
Think up of something and do it.
* A friend comes in when the whole world has gone out.
* Life’s best support is a very dear friend.
* A friend always knows something good about you.
* Friend ship’s smiles are gleams of sun shine over the heart.
* Goodness may be found in the touch of a friendly hand or the look in a kindly eye.
* To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life.
* Forget your troubles , a friend is near.
* You can’t choose your parents but you can choose your friends.
* Friends share each other’s gladness wipe each other tears.
* Precious are all things that comes from friends.
أمثال رائعة.. وفقك الله
كلمات معبرة جدا عن الصداقة …(الحقيقية منها طبعا )
اشكرك اختي ،و اتمنى لو انك صححت بعض الاخطاء الكتابية قبل وضعها …
ننتظر المزيد غاليتي
جزاكِ الله خيراً يا طالبتنا المهذبة
يبقى المثل الشهير في الصداقة "الصديق وقت الضيق"
A friend in need is a friend indeed
ولكي يبقى موضوعك هذا مرجعا إن شاء الله اسمحي لي بهذه التصحيحات البسيطة
Where ever you may be, it is your friend who makes your world
Precious are all things that come from friends
بعض الكلمات المركبة ينبغي عدم الفصل بين أجزائها، مثل :
friendship, sunshine, wherever, yourself, anything
وفقكِ الله
They are sooooooo nice
your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
The only way to have a friend is to be one.
To lose a friend is hardship, but to forget them is as if you died too.