تخطى إلى المحتوى

language functions 2024.

Request and Orders


Informal :asking familes and friends

Can you lend me a paper ?

Would you buy me a paper?

More formal: asking someone you don’t know

Could you tell me the way to the station?

Would you mind helping me?

Very formal: asking someone in authority

Do you tell me the way to the station?

I wonder if you ‘d mind helping me


orders الاوامر

we use the imperative form of the verb:

Open the door.

Read the letter.

Don.’t write on the wall

Polite ways of giving orders or instructions

I’d like you to open the door.

Iwould be grateful if you could read me the letter

بارك الله فيكي اختي

ملخص كثير رائع لموضوع مهم و مفيد

Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery useful

Thank you so much dear sherwet

جميل جدااا

طريقة طرحك سهلة و سلسلة ….

باركك الله

و نور الركن من جديد ((

اترك تعليقاً

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