the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
Hi everyone ..
today I have a
I hope everyone try to translate it to improve our English language
.. it’s NOT important to translate all the story
but if you can .. do it !
or try to answer the Question at the end of the story.
السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اليوم لديّ قصة قصيرة باللغة الإنجليزية كُتبت بأسلوب مبسّط وسلس، أتمنى محاولة ترجمتها لتطوير أنفسنا بالقراءة ..
ليس شرطاً أن تترجمي كل القصة، لكن لو استطعتِ فعل ذلك فرائع !
أو حاولي الإجابة على الأسئلة بآخر القصة ..
والقصة تساعد المعلمات لتنمية طالباتهنّ بشكل إضافي خارج عن تمارين الكتاب ..
It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania.
The temperature is below freezing. Snow is starting to fall.
Dr. James turns on the television to check the weather.
He must leave for his work at the hospital soon.
“Today is going to be very cold,” says the TV weatherman. “Be sure to wear very warm clothes when you go outside. Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In fact, if you can stay home today, do it!”
Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital.
He goes to his closet. He takes out the warmest clothes he has.
He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks, boots and a hat.
He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside.
“Wow, it is very cold outside,” Dr. James says. He is from Miami and does not like the cold. “The weatherman was right!”
Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car.
He does this very fast. He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold.
Dr. James drives slowly to work. Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are cars in front and behind.
Suddenly, the cars in front of Dr. James come to a stop. There has been an accident!
Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the road. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asks.
“Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice,” the driver says. “This would have been a good day to stay home in bed.”
PLEASE .. if you will translate do it without GOOGLE TRANSLATE
of course no problem if you want to translate a WORD
but don’t use it to translate all the story
?What does it mean if the weather is frigid
* It is very cold.
* It is very rainy.
* It is very windy.
* It is very slippery.
?In what city does this story take place
* Florida
* Miami
* Pennsylvania
* York
?Why doesn’t Dr. James stay home today
* There are sick people waiting for him.
* He does not believe the weatherman.
* He has to clear the snow off his car.
* He must help the people in the accident.
?What could Dr. James have put on his neck to keep it warm
* mittens
* a scarf
* another hat
* an undershirt
I’m waiting for you ^^
Good Luck For All
a very nice story … with simple words
and the questions are very eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasy
Gooooooooooooooooooooooood luck
((= And very beautiful
you are welcome Jenaan !
nice to see you here ^_*
YA they are! Actually these kinds of stories are so beautiful
because they’re easy and all words are very simple
thanks a lot dear ()
Beautiful story
Thank you my love
the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful
Hi everyone ..
today I have a
I hope everyone try to translate it to improve our English language
.. it’s NOT important to translate all the story
but if you can .. do it !
or try to answer the Question at the end of the story.
السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اليوم لديّ قصة قصيرة باللغة الإنجليزية كُتبت بأسلوب مبسّط وسلس، أتمنى محاولة ترجمتها لتطوير أنفسنا بالقراءة ..
ليس شرطاً أن تترجمي كل القصة، لكن لو استطعتِ فعل ذلك فرائع !
أو حاولي الإجابة على الأسئلة بآخر القصة ..
والقصة تساعد المعلمات لتنمية طالباتهنّ بشكل إضافي خارج عن تمارين الكتاب ..
It is a frigid January day in York, Pennsylvania.
The temperature is below freezing. Snow is starting to fall.
Dr. James turns on the television to check the weather.
He must leave for his work at the hospital soon.
“Today is going to be very cold,” says the TV weatherman. “Be sure to wear very warm clothes when you go outside. Also, be careful driving on the roads. Snowfall will make them slippery. In fact, if you can stay home today, do it!”
Dr. James cannot stay home. Very sick people are waiting to see him at the hospital.
He goes to his closet. He takes out the warmest clothes he has.
He puts on a sweater, jacket, gloves, socks, boots and a hat.
He opens his front door to go to work. A gust of cold air blows inside.
“Wow, it is very cold outside,” Dr. James says. He is from Miami and does not like the cold. “The weatherman was right!”
Before he can drive to work, Dr. James must clear the snow off his car.
He does this very fast. He hops in the car. He shivers. His neck feels especially cold.
Dr. James drives slowly to work. Everyone else is driving slowly, too. There is a lot of traffic on the road. There are cars in front and behind.
Suddenly, the cars in front of Dr. James come to a stop. There has been an accident!
Dr. James hurries from his car to check on the driver of the car that has swerved off the road. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asks.
“Yes, yes, we are fine. We slipped on a patch of ice,” the driver says. “This would have been a good day to stay home in bed.”
PLEASE .. if you will translate do it without GOOGLE TRANSLATE
of course no problem if you want to translate a WORD
but don’t use it to translate all the story
?What does it mean if the weather is frigid
* It is very cold.
* It is very rainy.
* It is very windy.
* It is very slippery.
?In what city does this story take place
* Florida
* Miami
* Pennsylvania
* York
?Why doesn’t Dr. James stay home today
* There are sick people waiting for him.
* He does not believe the weatherman.
* He has to clear the snow off his car.
* He must help the people in the accident.
?What could Dr. James have put on his neck to keep it warm
* mittens
* a scarf
* another hat
* an undershirt
I’m waiting for you ^^
Good Luck For All
في ابرد يوم من شهر يناير في نيويورك بنسلفانيا وصلت درجه الحرارة تحت الصفر وبدأ الثلج في التساقط
ادار (فتح) د.جيمس التلفاز لكي يتابع حاله الجو لا بد ان يغادر لعمله بالمستشفي حالا
يقول مذيع النشرة الجويه
بان حاله الجو اليوم سوف تكون باردة
كن حريصا علي ارتداء ملابس مناسبه (دافئه) وانت بالخارج
وكن حذرا ايضا اثناء القيادة علي الطريق حيث يسبب الثلج علي الطريق الانزلاق
نصيحه (عاوزين الحق يا جودعان ) لو بامكانك البقاء في البيت فذلك أفضل
د.جيمس لا يستطيع البقاء في المنزل حيث ينتظرة مرضي كثر بالمستشفي
ذهب د.جيمس حيث دولابه وانتقي أثقل ملابسه سويتير جاكت قفازات شراب حذاء برقبه وقبعه (اتكلفت تمام التمام )
عندما فتح الباب الامامي للبيت لذهابه للعمل اندفع هواء باردا
واااااااااااااوووووو انها بالخارج برد جداااااااا
كان د.جيمس من ميامي ولم يكن يحب البرد اطلاقا (خالص مالص )
لقد كان المذيع الجوي محقا
قبل ان يستطيع قيادة السياردة عليه ان يتخلص من الثلج المتراكم علي السيارة
قام بذلك بسرعه وتمني ان يكون بداخل السيارة فرقبته تشعر بالبرد
قاد السيارة ببطء ايضا كل السائقين يقودون ببطء حيث وجدت كثير من الصعوبات ع الطريق
عربات بالامام وبالخلف
فجاءة توقفت السيارات التي امام د.جيمس حيث كانت هناك حادثه
اسرع د.جيمس ليتفحص السائق الذي صدم علي الطريق
قال د.جيمس هل الجميع بخير
رد السائق نعم نعم نحن بخير تزحلقنا علي الثلج
لكي يكون يوم جيد ينبغي ان نظل في البيت علي الفراش
i translatet the text
i hope to be right