2 Leçon
Accents are considered to be very important in French without which
the spelling is considered to be wrong
The French language uses accent to change the pronunciation of certain letters.
There are four accent marks used with vowels and one with a consonant.
They are:
Accent aigu (acute accent) – This accent can only be used with an E and is written as é.: Exemple
bébé: baby
écrire: to write
· Accent grave (grave accent) – This accent can be used with A, E or U and is written à, è and ù.
: Exemple
crème: cream
père: father
· Accent circonflexe(circonflex) – This accent can be on an A, E, I, O or U. It is written â, ê, î,ô, and û.
: Exemple
gâteau: cake
fenêtre: window
· Accent tréma(umlaut) – This accent is used on E, I or U. It is written ë , ï and ü.
: Exemple
naïf/ve :naive
Zaïre: Zaire the country
· Cédilla (cedilla) –This accent is found only on the letter C and is written ç.
: Exemple
الشكر الجزيل للغالية ليندا على التصاميم الرائعة
Now it is time to listen
Hope that you enjoyed this lesson
Next lesson will be
ما شاء الله
شرح رائع و سهل جداااا
باركك المولى و سدد خطاك ()
متابعين معك معلمتي ()
درس رااااااااااااااااائع جداااااااااااااااا
و شرح سهل و سلس
بارك الله فيك غاليتي مون و نفع بك
متاااااااااااابعبن معك
درس غني عن اي تعليق
بارك الله فيك و نفع بك
Thank you Monmon ,, great lesson
I will be back again to read carefully and study well
May God bless you my dear
Très bon travail Moon and stars qu’ Allah guide tes pas ma sœur
درس رائع جدا و شرح واضح وسهل
بارك الله فيك حبيبتي مون و جزاكِ خيراً
ماشاء الله
درس بسيط جدا وسلس
جزاكي الله خيرا
اسعدني جدا مروركن
بوركتن جميعا