بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،
Hello to all of you, a pleasure to find you with another topic that I hope you will find it useful.
The first idea that I want to share with you today, I have watched it on Tv this morning, it’s about charity. If you have a box in your house that you don’t use it, take it and make with it :
The box of Charity
Each day put in it a little money and at the end of the week or the month, give the money to a needy person or a charity organization… You have many choices and you will make some people smile and enjoy the life like the others.
Take care of yourselves, so long with another idea !
اعجبتني فكرتك فعلا رائعة و فيها الاجر الكتييير
لي عودة ان شاء الله
بارك الله فيك و نفع بك
موضوعك كثييييييييييير رائع.
على العموم مش غريبة…. مواضيعك دائما مميزة
لي عودة ان شاء الرحمان
I would like to contribute with my ideas as well
If you have a kid at school already and you want him or her to be a good reader in the future just make him read any book he chooses according to his level and age…. after he read and master it you can have a family meeting and make him read for you he will master reading aloud and be more confident …he can make a summarize for the book as well .
give him a gift to encourage him .
Mimidodo, welcome sister to our forum and thanks a lot for your contribution, hope we can see you very often
God blessed you
the idea is very good
congratulations my sister