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ღ❀ღ❀ღღ❀ღღThe call to Islam with the easiest way❀ღ❀ღღ❀ღ WONDERFUL 2024.

  • بواسطة




Welcome everybody

I have great pleasure in Welcoming all of you in our break.


Many of us as Moslims are exists in the Western countries for many reasons, either to study or work or ………
From here this idea came to me

How we can call to our religion Islam with simple ways.

Here, i donnot mean the call to Islam with the known definition ( to study how to call to Islam)
But, the point here is the call of Islam with our behavior, and the way we deal with others.


So, if we act the right acions of Islam, such as
cleanliness, to be organizers, good manners, devotion to work,
not to lie, work to the satisfaction of God, …….etc.
we certainly will attract the attention of all people towards us, and
many questions will come to the mind of many foreigners:
What is the religion of these people?
Is this Islam?
What is Islam?and what urges this great religion?
and many other questions will come to their minds, only with our
behavior, not to tell him to enter Islam!!!!!

I almost believe that this method is the easiest and the most effective way of invitation to Islam because it is indirect way.


During my stay in Germany for about 8 years,
I thank God that he gave us the opportunity to attract the attentions of many Germans to us, with our behavior.

And actually some people who are from other nationalities and religions started to ask us about our religion and what is Islam?

So, we brought them some books written in their own language about Islam.
My only comment about this way is that it needs a long time.

And when we find that some people started to have a real desire to enter into Islam, we take them to the imam of the mosque, or those who are familiar with and studying the right path to enter Islam.

Now, let us share this very important subject together.
So, i hope if there is somebody have any experience about this subject, come and tell us about it, so we can take the benefit from.

Also, i will wait your own point of view about this subject



شكر خاص منا للغالية ثمال
على التصاميم الاكثر من رائعة
جزاها الله كل خير



Indeed my dear sister

Especaily that i have heared once, that someone entered to islam just because his muslim neighbour smiled to him everyday


What such a simple and easy way to call for islam


I think, it’s the most wonderful way. On one hand, we call for our religion and on the other hand, we practice it. because this is the reality of islam

Islam is how to be the real humain


And if we act in good manners, we , indeed, practice our religion as it is

As prophet (pbuh) said
انما اتيت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق


So, being good and acting as right mulims… We call for our religion and also we practice it as it is

It’s a great topic for discussion
That’s why, we have invited you to share your ideas and experciences with us

Waiting for your points of view..



شكر خاص منا للغالية ثمال
على التصاميم الاكثر من رائعة
جزاها الله كل خير

ماشاءالله لاقوة الابالله

الموضوع قمه بالروعه والتنسيق الجميل

جبتلكم قهوه لتحلو الجلسه معكن ^_^


machaa allah
very interesting subject and a very good inviting
I will come back in chaa allah
see you well

مشكوووووووووورة ياغالية
قهوتك جات بوقتها

Oum Ibrahim
Thanks alot my dear
Waiting for your point of view or your experience

ماا شااء الله تبارك الله
موضوع رائع و في غاية الاهمية

لي عودة ان شاء الله
بارك الله فيكن توريتي و اخت في الله…….لا حرمتن الأجر

ما شاء الله موضوع رائع جزيتم خيرا
لم اتم قراته كله
لي عودة ان شاء الله

I’m back
I agree with you we must take advantage of our presence in Western countries to communicate Islam
for me above all we must act as our Quran and peace upon our Prophet tells us to focus attention upon us and upon will to correct everything that they think about us
knowing that the English are more an open mind and not prejudging such as francophones we like it and have ideas about us and their minds and closed

or when arriving a setting a good example of the true good Mussulman Islam to everything that we do
Automatically they will look to know Islam

لاكي كتبت بواسطة ساره الاعظمي لاكي
ماشاءالله لاقوة الابالله

الموضوع قمه بالروعه والتنسيق الجميل

جبتلكم قهوه لتحلو الجلسه معكن ^_^


تسلمى حبيبى سارة
الأروع مروروك وردك حبيبتى
أحلى قهوة من إيديكى يا عسل

لاكي كتبت بواسطة ☺أم إبراهيم☺ لاكي
machaa allah
very interesting subject and a very good inviting
I will come back in chaa allah
see you well

Thanks alot habibty Om Ibrahim
we were waiting you

لاكي كتبت بواسطة ☺أم إبراهيم☺ لاكي
I’m back
I agree with you we must take advantage of our presence in Western countries to communicate Islam
for me above all we must act as our Quran and peace upon our Prophet tells us to focus attention upon us and upon will to correct everything that they think about us
knowing that the English are more an open mind and not prejudging such as francophones we like it and have ideas about us and their minds and closed

or when arriving a setting a good example of the true good Mussulman Islam to everything that we do
Automatically they will look to know Islam

Welcome back habibty
you are right,
when we behaves like good Moslims
They should ask about Islam
Thanks alot

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