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أرجو مساعدتي في كتابة رسالة حب لزوجي بالانجليزية 2024.

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ارجوكم ساعدوني اكتب رساله لزوجي بالنجليزيه يعني غزل بغزل يلا يا اميرات

Dear husband
I love you. I love every little thing about you. I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice. I love your gentle touch, and I love the warmth I feel when I’m by your side. I can’t stop thinking about you when we are apart. I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one I’ve always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you.

Love Always,

Your wife

هنا بتلاقي رسايل حب كثيييييييييير. ادخلي واختاري عزيزتي


Dear Cris,

You, you, you and you alone… you shall reign in my heart. You are the one I desire without whom I could not be complete. I will live for you alone and I will work for you alone. I will share with you my thoughts, my heart, my mind and my body. I am waiting to receive you. I will never use force on you not even by words. In your presence, I will always be honest, transparent and sincere. I want always to be at your side… I love you, Cris.

Yours alone,


فكرتك حلوه انا بعد ابقا رساله جوال بس رومانيسه

Ooooooooooooooooooh LOVE LETTERS

Well, here are some web sites
I hope that, you will like them
Since the letters are for your husband, i think that writing such web-sites here are allowed because helping a married woman to create some spaces of love between her and her husband are not forbiden


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