ارجو المساعدة في كتابة قصة]رد رقم 2 متيمز[ 2024.

أرجو المساعدة في كتابة قصة بالانجليزي قصة قصيرة خيالية بكلمات وتعابير بسيطة ومختصرة مناسبة لولد في الصف الثاني

والقصة تحكي قصة
ولد وجد فانوس سحري وعندما مسحه ظهر له عفريت ويطلب منه ان يتمنى وكانت اول امنيته

الذهاب الى الفضاء وثانيها الذهاب الى اعماق البحار والاخيرة الى انترتيك وقي كل مكان يصف كيف كانت الرحلة وبماذا شعر وفي النهاية يكتشف انه كان يحلم

الله يعطيكم العافية جميعا


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
محاولة بسيطة أرجو أن تنال رضاك.
The story of the little Hamza and the magic lamp
Hamza is a very clever and beloved boy, everyone likes to play with him and enjoy listening to his stories. One day when he was with his friends, he started telling them his story with the magic lamp, everyone was listening to him with admiration. The last summer when I was with my family at the mountain visiting my grandmother, I was alone, suddenly I walk on something tough, I took it withmy hands, and guess what it was, " A beautiful lamp, I asked my self what’s this. I tried to open it but it didn’t want so I cleaned it with my handkerchief and all of sudden a genuis got out of it, I was really very scared, but he said to me " don’t be afraid, I’m your servant, ask any thing I ‘ll realize it immediatly" .
The first thing came to my mind was: " I want to visit the space " then " going to the deep sea " lastely " to the antrantic" I really wish you were with me, you can’t imagine how the space is immense and the sun is shiny and in the sea I was afraid there was no light and there were strange fishes and in the antrantic you can’t imagine how cold is thereI felt my self freezed.
At the end my mother came to my room and asked me to get up, she said you’re late for school.

موفق إن شاء الله…

ماشاء الله عليكي غاليتي عروس البحر

لا تقصرين ابدا
بارك الله فيكي

بالتوفيق اختي ام أ م

عروس البحر جزاك الله خير على الاجابة وسرعة الرد
بارك الله فيك ويسر الله لك الخير
Nice try Mermaid

I enjoyed the reading

May Allah bless you

حياك الله

الغالية عروس ما قصرت بارك الله فيها

نرو الركن أخواتي ()

احسنت يا عروس البحر
جهدك مميز

اترك تعليقاً

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