مســابقة المرأة فى الإســلام الموقف الأخير _إنتشار الإسلام بحد السيف 2024.

السلام عليكم غالياتى
وحشتونى جدا جدا بس بسبب حركة الترقيات وبسبب ولادة مايا كنت منتظرة إنها تدخل علشان أحط الموقف الأخير لكن شكلها لسه ما فاقيتش من النونو الجديد الله يعينها وييسر عليها على العموم هنسيب الموضوع مفتوح شوية علشان المشاركات قبل ما نقفل كل المواقف للتقييم
مســابقة المرأة فى الإســلام وأخلاق سيد الأنــام ،الموقف الأول _الحجاب

مســابقة المرأة فى الإســلام وأخلاق سيد الأنــام – الموقف الثانى _تعدد الزوجات

☮♡♡مســابقة المرأة فى الإســلام وأخلاق سيد الأنــام – الموقف الثالث _الصلاة

☮♡♡مســابقة المرأة فى الإســلام وأخلاق سيد الأنــام – الموقف الرابع _الصيام

موقفنــــا اليـــوم محتاج تركيز خذوا وقتكم فى البحث والرد لاكي

المــــــوقف الأخيـــــــــــــر


إسلام طالب جامعى مسلم وملتزم
هاجر إلى كندا عندما كان عمره 15 سنة مع والدية وأسرته ودخل الجامعة …
قامت الجامعة بعمل يوم للتعريف بالثقافات المختلفة والحضارات … شمر إسلام عن ساعديه وبدأ فى تحضير الكشك بتاعه " البوث" يشرح عن الإسلام والثقافة واللغة العربية وحضارة المسلمين .. قام بتجميع الصور وإشترى كتيبات من الجامع للتوزيع على الناس
وفى اليوم المحدد وقف إسلام وكله فخر وزهو يشرح ويجاوب على أسئلة الناس بالمعرض
وإذا برجل كبير يحدق فيه … و يلبس الطاقية اللى بالى بالكم .. توجس إسلام خيفة وهمس فى نفسه اللهم رد كيدهم فى نحرهم … اللهم إجعل تدبيرهم تدميرهم .. اللهم إنا نجعلك فى نحورهم ونعوذ بك من شرورهم
وفعلا أقبل عليه الرجل وهو يبتسم تلك الإبتسامة الخبيثة المعروفة … فالرجل ليس يهودى فحسب إنما إسرائيلي المنشأ والمولد والنزعة .. صهيوني العقيدة مستميت فى الدفاع عن إسرائيل
بدأ الكلام
Assalam Alaykom
Islam: wa Alaykom Al salam …. Oh you speak Arabic
Man: well a little as I was raised in Israel and had so many Arab friends there
Islam : hmmm Palestine is really a beautiful country
لاحظوا إصرار إسلام على إنها فلسطين وليست إسرائيل لأن الرجل إغتاظ وإستشاط وشعر إسلام بذلك
Man : I can see that you are promoting Islam is a religion of mercy
Islam : Indeed it is
Man: but from what I read in history it was spread by force and killing … I believe all religions had bloody history even Christianity …

والآن جاء دور إسلام ليدافع عن دينه ويرد على العبارات المغلوطة بأن الدين الإسلامى إنتشر بحد السيف

فبماذا تردين لو كنتى مكان إسلام؟؟؟؟

ننتظركم غالياتى

Islam: sir, you seem to have read the wrong history because islam is the religion of mercy and no there was no forcing in islam whatsoever. When the prophet peace be upon him and his followers wanted to speard islam and tell the world about it they used to send a few of the best of the best scholars and quran memorizers
حفظه قران و احاديث
And they would go into new lands and countries telling people about islam and explaininig the rules and people were free to enter it.

As for the wars that you mention they were almost always started by the world against islam would see islam as a threat to their traditions that they inherited from their forefathers, how dare islam come and change everything they believe in, how dare islam come and say that their doing is a sin, their ego wouldn’t accept it then they start the war thinking they can defeat it.
Jerusalem and Mecca are the places muslims would be willing to start a war to win, because they are holy places and contain houses of Allah, Jerusalem contains the first house of worship ever built on earth by the angels that is the Aqsa mosque, and Mecca contains the house of worship that Allah ordered Abrahim peace be upon him to build, it is our duty as muslims to protect these two places no matter what the cost is. . . . But time after time when we entered a war for the sake of Jerusalem the muslim role in the role was a peacefull one, even when Omar
v رضي الله عنه
First won jerusalem he never kicked out christains out of it, but he tood them they can stay peacefully on terms, same with khalid ibn el walid. . . . Time after time peace would be given to the original people living in the countries opened by islam, they can either enter islam and be absolutly free from everything or they can stay on their religion and pay a small tax, islam never killed any women or children or even sick or old people, but if you go and look at the pagans and crusaders you would find them killing whoever and whatever is in their way they even burn books as if books can hold a sword and fight and burn whole farsm they go n spreading death with every step, islam is the complete oposite.

صارلي زمان ما دخلت و لما جيت للقيت موضوعك بوجهي ان شاء الله اكون وفقت بالاجابه و اءا في اخطاء تاريخيه صححوني مصادري كتب اجنبيه.

توتا وحشتينا يا بنت فينك كنتى مستخبية …. الحمد لله إنك بخير
لا فض فوك غاليتي كلام جميل وبإنتظار البقية إن شاء الله
if i were islam i said
how dare to say that . every history you read is wrong
if islam spread by force and killing ,there werent any religion except islam .

Muslems entered spain and settled 800 years and didnt kill person to be muslems and every person keep his religion
– in Egypt there are chrestian and juces they pray in churches and temples freely no one force them to be muslem
–Muslim Man can marry woman in another religion and doesnt force her to be muslem

= if you look carefully you will see artists , singers, and famouse persons believe islam

رائع يا شيرويت .. بإنتظار باقى الغاليات
THE message of islam started more than 1400 years ago IT started by prophet muhammad peace be upon him ,he was a member of one tribe among other tribes i Arabia
at the time there was the persian empire and the roman empire , both strong and great , but their was so
much injustice ,slavery,islam came with equality and justice for all and people welcomed muslims , who lived
by what they preached , their was not enough men nor swords for few tribes to defeat two great empires
and if some one became muslim by the sword he should have gone back when muslims became weak

حلو قوى ردك سحوبتى ما شاء الله المختصر المفيد لاكي

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