Difference between so and very and too 2024.

In the Name of ALLAH
the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

Good evening everybody
.This is the short lesson about the difference between so, very, and too

so and very pretty much mean the same thing
"That meal was so delicious"
"That meal was very delicious"
same thing, both put emphasis on usually an adjective
[Delicious was the adjective in that sentence]

too is a bit different, it means something is extreme or excessive
"The meal was too hot, it burnt my tongue", for example


thanks my dear sister

Thanks Dorar
Good, short and very clear.

Sent from my ST25i using منتديات لكي النسائية

Dear Dorar
That lesson was very very very interesting


Thanks a lot for sharing it with us

Me too, I like it so much, Thank you dear Dorar very much, hope we see you here very often
بارك الله فيك
شكرا لك

لاكي كتبت بواسطة shrwet لاكي
thanks my dear sister

You’re welcome Shrwet ..
Thanks for coming ..

thank you so mutchلاكي

thank you So much dorar
i hadn’t no idea about this لاكي

Thank you very much
You sincere affection

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