How it was your summer holiday?? 2024.

Hi girls

How are all of you

Ramadan karim

So, here is a new topic to talk alittle bit about our summer holiday

How you spent it and where

Was it good or bad

Whom you met and whom you will miss

Let me start

For me, it was great because i went to Marocco ( My home, sweet home لاكي). I saw my parents, i enjoyed my mummy’s dishes, i met my old friends, i visited most of places that i like and alot of others things

What about you girls

I’m waiting

Hello dera Touraya
Nice topic

Well, concerning my summer holiday it was not bad not good as my plan for the holiday was not respected and it didn’t work
but in general, I am satisfied as I saw my husband’s family and I enjoyed my time

Waiting for the others’opinions

Salam girls, and ramadan mobarak
i was so bored this summer because i stayed home for more than three months, poor me, but i did something that i enjoy which is shopping and that makes me happy especially when i get good deals, also i went to many parties and a wedding, but i really miss my family and my brother in particular because i didn’t see him in four years
om rayan how is he doing now i hope that he gets well soon, my sousou is sick too she didn’t sleep the entire night she has a high fever and i ‘m really worried about swine flu may allah bless them and protect them

May Allah bless all our kids

So, what about other girls

لاكي كتبت بواسطة cute leen لاكي
om rayan how is he doing now i hope that he gets well soon, my sousou is sick too she didn’t sleep the entire night she has a high fever and i ‘m really worried about swine flu may allah bless them and protect them

Hello dear Cuteleen
Rayan is getting better alhamdo lilah
me too, when he has a high temperature, I thought of Swine flu because here we have many sick cases

May Allah protect and bless our children

I wish speed recovery to your little child sousou

So…. So

Don’t tell me, you don’t like my topic

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