Important expressions in english 2024.

في اللغة الانجليزية هناك بعض العبارات التي تطلق و يراد بها معنى آخر مختلف كليا عن المعنى الحرفي لها ولهذه ينبغي الإنتباه اليها لأنها قد تفيد في الفهم الصحيح للجملة .

من هذه الجمل ما يلي :

Break the ice

وتعني : مهد الأمور او مهد الطريق لأمر ما

He looks blue

وتعني : هو يبدو حزيناً

She is in the clouds

وتعني : هي شاردة الذهن

I will go banana

وتعني : سأجن او سأفقد عقلي

It rains cats and dogs

وتعني : انها تمطر بغزاره

This is nuts

وتعني : هذا جنون او هذا هراء

It’s a piece of cake

وتعني : إنه لأمر سهل جدا

He leads a dog’s life

وتعني : هو يحيا حياة مليئة بالقلق

He is a black sheep

وتعني : هو شخص سيء الأخلاق

This is a hot air

وتعني : هذا كلام لا فائدة منه

Thank you very much dear

We call such expressions : IDIOMS

Thanks alot for sharing them with us

You are most welcome

Thank you for sharing these idioms with us

You’re welcome sisلاكي

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat – videos important for unbelievers 2024.



one man I have a lot esteem
I have not yet seen somebody who has his courage and a strong personality
he has a way to persuade people extra ordinary
and a lot of people have been converted to islam after to listened to him

one man I have a lot esteem
I have not yet seen somebody who has his courage and a strong personality
he has a way to persuade people extra ordinary
and a lot of people have been converted to islam after to listened to him
when we listen those conferance his sense to diversity and to talked about islam
we say to how they not wish to believe!
with his knowledge about other religions it has been explained to the world in English is that it is Islam and that is our prophet Muhammad God and salvation upon him
and all he explained was that Issa
alayhi al salam

Ahmed Deedat, de son nom entier Cheikh Ahmed Deedat Hussein, (né le 1er juillet 1918 à Tadkeshwar près de Surat, dans la province du Gujarat et mort le 8 août 2017, âgé de 87 ans, au KwaZulu-Natal en Afrique du Sud) est un écrivain, apologiste et théologien musulman ainsi qu’un prédicateur charismatique.
Il gagna une audience internationale suite à ses nombreux débats autour de l’islam. Leurs retransmissions actuelles sur Internet font perdurer sa popularité auprès de nombreux musulmans.
Le style violent, parfois comique, d’Ahmed Deedat suscita l’intérêt de ses auditoires, car il voulait ses interventions plaisantes.
Ahmed Deedat forma également le prédicateur Zakir Naik



good watching

I hope that it will change the minds of the unbelievers




Thanks alot, dear, for sharing them with us

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،
أحد الشخصيات الإسلامية المحببة إلى قلبي رحمه الله تعالى. جزاك الله خيرا يا أم إبراهيم وبارك في ذريتك..

Good !

A Great thank for you Om Ebraheem لاكي
may Allah bless you


Thanks a lot dear for sharing these videos with us
الله يوفق الجميع يا رب

شكراا لكن

و الله يرحم الشيخ و يكتب له الأجر أضعاف مضاعفة

لأن لحد الآن فيديوهاته و محاضراته تأثر و كثيرررر في الغرب لعتناق الاسلام

رحم الله شيخنا الجليل وادخله فسيح جناته

كان علامه من علامات الاسلام ويتناقش ويحاور بكل ثقه ويقين فى الله انه على حق

لم اراه يوما عصبيا فى خطاباته او يقول قولا بذيئا

بل كان عاقلا يستيع ان يتحكم فى انفعالاته ويوصل فكره بكل هدوء وادب

وكل كلامه موئق بدليل وفهم عالى لذلك انعمه الله بدخول الكثيرين من الغرب الى الاسلام

رحمه الله ورزقه الفردوس الاعلى

جزاكى الله خيرا اختنا الحبيبه اام ابراهيم

فعلا يا غالية

و كان عنده رحمه الله قوة الحجة و قوة التأثير و طريقة الجذب لما يقوله قوية جداااا و مؤثرة

نسأل الله أن تكون أعماله حجة له و يغفر له و يدخله و ايانا الجنة يا رب

Plz very important; looking for a native English speaker 2024.

Asalam Alaikom Wa Ra7mato Allah Wa Barakto

Dear sisters

I’m looking for a native English speaker (or sisters live in the UK or USA) helping me in the vocabulary area
I’m a student of English studies but since I have learned German , I forgot a lot of my English Vocabulary.

My aim is improving my English and that come .
with practising the speaking language

Plz , if anyone has a good English knowledge and is ready to help me, announces me as soon as possible.

I’m also ready to exchange the languages German-English.

Best regards

wa alaikom assalaam warahmatullah wa barakatuh

Plz , if anyone has a good English knowledge and is ready to help me,

How can we be of assistance?

per E-mail if u like
via correspondence? i.e. exchanging e-mail messages?
wt about chating per e-mail. coze i want to write face 2 face i.e if i don understand something ask u after direktly
yasmina could u plz wait 5 min??

Be right back

please send me a private message once you’re back
I’ve sent a private message 2 u.

any question
I am ready to help Jana and there are many websites suggested by the members in the forum to help you learning English

From what you wrote, your English is OK dear

Unfortunately, my English knowledge isn’t enough to pass my exam
Studing in Germany is very difficult and Lecturers want more and more, so i wanna to improve my knowledge in the area of vocabulary.
I have many websites, but all of them don help me anyway.