][][English Langauge Section Rules ][][, •°o.O Take a look before you post something 2024.

Hi girls

As You See , These is The English language section , So you have to be careful when you want to write a topic or post a reply


You can’t write a topic contain less than 5 lines .

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If you saw any grammar mistakes or something like that , You have 2 write the supervisor of this section .

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You can’t use bad words in this section , and all of us know what these bad words is .

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You are not allowed to write in Arabic here , Because this section just 4 foreign language .


That’s all until now,,,and these rules might change and might be new rules soon .



Thanks for such rules even i don’t think that we need some of them because for exemple

We don’t use bad words here

We use arabic language to make communication with whom don’t speak other languages much easier


Congratulatins for new section 2024.

hi every one,I would like to thank who gives us this opportunity for learning and improveing our languages either english or the rest useful languages, now we have a chance 2 build up not only our languages but olso our cultures whenever we r
and to spread our eslam through our languages 2 other countries

Dont forget,we r facing the most complication problem which is

attack on prophet Mohammad peace be upon him by dinmark !!
what supposed 2 do?
What are the responsibilities that we have to do as possible as we can?؟؟؟؟

sorry for being late !but I discovered this forum in aminute ago
Dont ask me what was my feeling when I saw it cos its more than what the words can say !so I prefer 2 keep it in my heart and try to do my best for making an effect or result in this section

thank u soo much


I wish we all do our best to defend our Prophet

Mohammed peace and blessing of Allah be upon him as much as

we can in this world



You are truly wonderful

God bless you this approach Premier …لاكي


I will participate

For the Prophet Mohammad, peace

Praying ……… This is the real weapon of the insured.

Ask God Almighty Lord of the Throne holy paralyze the hands of the write or draw

Or with the consent or Bmeid fee.

God avenged of our Prophet

لاكيyaaa rab

Peace be with you …..لاكي