قصتنا خرجت للوجود استمتعوووووووو بالقراءة 2024.

رواد ركننا الغالي, ركن اللغات

منذ اشهر كتبت الغالية كوين موضوع تحت عنوان
Come and play with us…….Give a sentence
من هنا كانت البداية
هذا رابط الموضوع

تحركت الأفكار و خطت الأقلام

احلى العبارات و الكلمات

في ركن اللغات

فكانت النتيجة

قصة مؤثرة و راااائعة بكل المقاييس

فهنيئا لنا بهذا الانتاج المتميز اللذي نفتخر به

بكل المحبة و الود نتقدم بالشكر لعضواتنا الغاليات المشاركات في كتابة القصة
و أخص بالذكر صاحبة الفكرة, الغالية كوين
بوركت اناملكن غالياتي
لكم مني أحلى باقة ررد


Enjoy reading the story, it deserves your attention

لاكيSara and the little catلاكي

When I was a child I was studying in a primary school
I liked my school so much and I had a lot of friends
One of those friends was Laila.
Laila was three years older than me, but we never felt the age difference, age difference between friends is not a problem, what matters is respect,loyalty, and honesty.One day while we were walking together in the garden ,we saw
a very beautiful blue rose
Then I went to that rose and I picked itsuddenly I herad a voice
Why did you do that!" Laila yelled angrily at me
I answered gently: I picked it up because I want to give it to you as a present
because you are so dear to me you are my best friend
She looked at me with a very beautiful smile and said
you too you are my best friend and I love you soooo much then we walked together along the lake
While we were walking, my cell phone vibrated, I looked at the caller ID but I didn’t recognize the number
I answered my cell phone, and it was a great surprise, The caller was
an old friend I didn’t see a long time ago
her name is Sanae, we were unseperable, but she moved to France with her parents almost 2 years ago
Me and Sanae remembered that beautiful day when we all laughed in Laila’s birthday
That was an amazing day and the last day before Sanae’s leaving us to France. although it was a farewell party but we spent nice and fantastic time with each other
After spending a beautiful time; I and Sanea left with each other and sanea suggested to take a walk on the street instead of taking a taxi’ and suddenly when we were walking in the end of the road in the dark
We found a pretty lonely cat, we took it to my home even if I have known that my mother hates cats
When we arrived home, I hide the cat under my shirt, so that my mother couldnt see it !! me ,Sanae and Laila went upstairs to my room
my mother heard the voice of the cat caming out of my room
we wanted to make somthing so my mother wouldnt know anything about our lovely cat…and we started to think!! what we can do ???!!!!!!-Sanae said
let’s put it in the restroom
I said with a
happy voice hhhhhhhhhh it’s a great idea
but my little cat was scared
so I decided to give it to my friend Laila to take care of the little cat because I don’t want to creat problems with my mother as she doesn’t like cats
but before I gave it to my friend I named it Coco, and I decided to pay a visit to it everyday
my friends were very happy because of this idea
and said
Coco is a very nice name , and we will all take care of this poor cat ,we promise you !!! believe us
They said I was very happy because my friend will take care of this little creature; Coco
three days later, Laila called me and said that Coco is very ill and it might die
It was a horrible news for me, I cried all the road to Laila ‘s home. I couldn’t imagine that I won’t play with my little friend anymore. , a smart idea came to my mind unexpectedly, I knew that my mother has a veterinarian friend but I thought that if I called her about my little Coco she might tell my mother
So I was thinking of another smart idea by which we can treat Coco without telling my mother, I called Sanae and Laila and we made an urgent meeting. Few hours after, we had decided to collect money and to consult a vet in order to give a treatment to Coco but the unexpected happened, before we reached the animal clinic my adorable Coco died, I was shocked and I cried for days because I was so attached to her to the point that I called her my baby
and that means no Coco again in mylife, I feel verrrrrrrry sad and depressed, then I decided to make something for the poor animals like my Baby Coco
While I was thinking about a charity for animals, I heard a deep voice calling Saja wake up it’s 7 you have to get ready to go to school, I jumped from my bed like a freak I didn’t believe it all that was a DREAM
I looked around ..and said(Thank God.. it is a dream.. that mean there is no cat to die!!
I feel very happy to realize that my Coco is fine , I decided to go to my friend to see Coco and to hug it
when I saw coco I run and haged it strongly and cried badly and when I looked towards Laila; her eyes where filled with tears and she didn’t know why I’m crying; I told her about my dream…….and she thanked God that it was a nightmare, then a brilliant idea came to my mind, what about making something for the poor animals like Coco??!! just as I saw in my dream then we had decided to creat our own establishment that takes in and looks after lost or unwanted animals
or to consult an association that cares for such animals and to take part in taking care of them
But we were thinking of how we could collect money without telling our parents ,we didnt want anybody to know our secret untill we finish it. So, when we went to school we told our teachers the story of the little Coco , they decided to help us collecting money from students as well as teachers

We started collecting money for our charity purpose , for Coco and her friends
we were all glad because we had succeeded in doing a great job like this
Now Coco can find a shelter in which it can live comfortably
But money is not enough , so everyone started to work in order to save money..untill we had enough money to start our project
and we named it ( society displaced animals) and we make an announcement in the newspaper to find Financier for our project after the anouncement, many people offered their help and support to make our project successful
one of those people offered the place , three small rooms in his farm
Finally; we opened our project and we were very proud of it as all the animals will benefit from it and we will put a big smile on every sad face
The end
ملحوظة: الحقوق محفوضة لمنتديات لك
لاااااااااااااااااااااااا نحلل لأحد نقل القصة بدون ذكر المصدر

دمتم في رعاية الرحمنلاكي

عن جد قصة رائعة
في مثل مغربي يقول: قطرة بقطرة تيحمل الواد
ونفس الشئ ينطبق على هده القصة
جملة + جملة+جملة………..
تكونت قصة رائعة
فهنيأ لنا ولكل المشاركات في هدا العمل
وهنيأ لصاحبة الفكرة, الغالية QuEeN


القصة رائعة و محكية بأسلوب جذاب و بسيط

وشكرا لكن مشرفات الركن على مجهوداتكن

مأجورين إن شاء اللهلاكي

بارك الله فيكن غالياتي

أسعدني مروركن

بارك الله بجهودكن والقصة رائعة ومنسقة
وافكارها متسلسلة
شكرا لكم

غالياتي ….


لاكيان هذه القصة الجميلة خرجت بابداعكن جميعا …لاكي
ما كنت انا الا من طرح الفكرة و انتن ابدعتن بها ….لاكي

لاكيفعلاصدقت المقولة :
مشوار الالف ميل يبدأ بخطوة واحدة …لاكي

لاكيابتدأت بجملة …ثم جملة …لاكي
ابتدأت فكرة ففكرة …..
وها نحن بعد فترة من الزمن نضعها بين ايديكن يا غالياتي


بالفعل كم انا سعييييييييييييييييييييييييدة اخواتي بكن و معكن …لاكي


لاكيغاليتي ام ريان لاكي….بوركتِ على هذه اللفتة الجميلة لاكي

لاكيسلمت يداك يا غالية لاكي

لاكيسلمت يداك على لمساتك الجميلة التي اضافت لقصتنا الكثير لاكي


It’s perfect
I like it


بصراحه انجاز رائع

اشكر كل من ساهم في انشاء هذه القصه ..,‘

واصلوا هذا العطاء

وشكر خاص جداً للأخت QuEeN
مشرفة ومبدعة الركن ..,‘


ماشاء الله
تعبتم عليها وصار إنجاز رائع بحق
سلمت هذه الأفكار الرائعه


مع أني مليش في الإنجليزي
كتير بس حاولت جاهده لكي أفهم محتوي القصه

وبصراحه قصه رائعه بمحتواها
دائماً متقدمين
ودائماً بأفكار مميزه
كل الشكر لكم جميعا
وأشكرغاليتي " كوين" لدعوتي وقرائتها
والشكر موصول اليك يا "أم ريان" لتجميعها …وحشتيني فينك لاكي
تقبلوا مروري

بورك فيكن قصة لطيفة .. تمنيت لو شاركت فيها : )
فرصة أخرى بإذن الله

بارك الله فيكن غاليتي

أسعدنا مروركن جداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا

توتا و الله انت كمان لك وحشااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااات

فتاة الاسلام
بارك الله فيك اختي
و نحن سنكون سعداء بمشاركتك

اترك تعليقاً

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