¨°o.O (هل تريد تحسين لغتك الإنجليزية .تفضل هنا) O.o°¨ 2024.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

في سعينا الدائم لمساعدة أعضاء وعضوات لكِ، فكرنا في فتح الموضوع التالي
الفكرة هي طرح موضوع كل أسبوع باللغة الإنجليزية و الإخوة و الأخوات مدعوون للمشاركة فيه بتعبير إنشائي باللغة الإنجليزية كذلك و سيتم بعدها إن شاء الله تصحيح المشاركات.

موضوع هذا الأسبوع هو كالتالي أتمنى أن ينال إعجاب الجميع

A view from a window in your dreams


What do you see ؟

grate ideaلاكي

I’m the 1st لاكي

just trying dears..

In my dreams.. I see a wonderful, clean and green city!

every person acts exactly as Allah wants.

and therefor, they dont have any kind of pollution.

that is the city I wish to see…

that is the city I really see.. in my dreams!

"it is so bad I know لاكي "

waiting for the correction

Alsalmu alikom
thank you 4 such a wonderful idea
becouse I am starting to forget English .I am studying now in Norway.

In my dreams I see my son as a muslim man, helps people in need and recpects them.
At the same time, I see that all the muslim countries are happy with peace.

I have alot of dreams ,but these are the most important ones
yes I forgot: I see my selv with a PhD لاكي

waiting 4 correction

[SIZE=6]Hello! I see love and hope every where [/SIZE]
Marara thx for your participation

i think that you have made a wrong with (grate) i think that the correct word is GREAT

Salamat thx too
you have two wrongs
becouse because

selv self

what do you think? لاكي

U R right Nessreno

وأزيدك من الشعر بيتلاكي

therefor is wrong.. it is therefore actually

i dont know way the words stuck with me and i suddenly feel that my mind is EMPTY.. لاكي

hope the trying help meلاكي

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
راح أشارك رغم أن انجليزيتي يا حرام تضحك
أنا كسولة في الانجليزي و الطامة أني أدرس business english أتمنى أكتبها صح .
توكلت على الله :
in my dreams i see all peaple in jennah , with thier families
i dream that i’m very very happy , i never cray after

الحمد لله أنه ما فيش تنقيط كنت قلت لاكي : يا واضع الصفر تمهل في وضعه

Marmar ……….waiting for the Big Boss لاكي

صدى مين قال مافيش تنقيط لاكي

لاحظت عالماشي
كلمة peaple peolpe

thier their

cray cry

in my dream I see my self cured from cancer, and all patients
in my dream I see my self completed my mesage with my tow sweet kids,
finally, I see my self in the heaven with my girls and God give me a good husband……..Amin.
In my dreams i see my self full of energy , learning , working and building a family. In my dream i see my self a great muslim manager , and agreat mother.In my dream i see my self agood wife.Finalley in my dream i see my self with my family in our home in Palestine
Really i would like to improve my English,and i apologize for my bad language لاكي

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